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23 jul 20242 Min. de lectura
The Olympics, Trademarks and Ambush Marketing
#olympics #trademarks #marketing The 2024 Summer Olympics will open in a few days in Paris. In addition to a great celebration of sport,...
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29 nov 20231 Min. de lectura
Spanish Supreme Court: fakes create moral damage
#trademarks The Supreme Court of Spain ruled that trademark counterfeiters must compensate for the moral damage caused, given that the...
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7 mar 20233 Min. de lectura
Can your brand afford a collaboration?
#collaborations #trademarks #fashionlaw Collaborations between brands are in vogue: Gucci and Adidas, Narciso Rodríguez and Zara, Louis...
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2 feb 20231 Min. de lectura
Spain PTO to Handle Invalidation and Cancellation Actions
#oepm #trademarks Starting January 14, trademark invalidation and non-use cancellation actions will be handled within the Spanish Patent...
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13 ene 20231 Min. de lectura
亚马逊可能对第三方的广告负责 (CJEU)
#amazon #trademarks 欧盟法院(“CJEU”)就亚马逊上假冒 Louboutin 鞋的广告发布了期待已久的裁决,该裁决认为该平台可以对其托管的广告商实施的商标侵权行为负责。 该诉讼由 Christian Louboutin 于 2019 年在卢森堡...
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13 ene 20231 Min. de lectura
Amazon may be liable for ads by third parties (CJEU)
#amazon #trademarks The Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issued a long-awaited decision regarding the advertising of fake...
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25 nov 20223 Min. de lectura
Who owns Black Friday?
#blackfriday #trademarks Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when the holiday shopping season officially begins. Although this...
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10 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
¡Nos vemos en la ECTA!
#ecta #ip #trademarks Nos complace anunciar que asistiremos como cada año a la Conferencia Anual de ECTA en Copenhague, Dinamarca, del 15...
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10 jun 20221 Min. de lectura
See you in Copenhagen!
#ecta #ip #trademarks We're pleased to announce that we will be attending the ECTA Annual Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, from June 15...
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16 oct 20202 Min. de lectura
Myanmar Inicia Su "Soft Launch"
#trademarks #myanmar Como se informó anteriormente en este blog, Myanmar finalmente lanzará un sistema de marcas análogo al resto del...
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16 oct 20202 Min. de lectura
Myanmar Opens Soft Launch Period
#trademarks #myanmar As previously informed in this blog, Myanmar is set to finally launch a trademark system analog to the rest of the...
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5 ago 20202 Min. de lectura
"Moon Boots" May Be Original, But Not Distinctive
#trademarks #euipo #moonboot Companies are increasingly trying to look beyond traditional trademarks and attempt the registration of...
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4 jun 20202 Min. de lectura
EU General Court Bars Copycat Oreos
#trademarks #euipo Food group Kraft, owner of the Oreo brand, has succesfully blocked the registration in the EU of a version of their...
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1 may 20201 Min. de lectura
#euipo #trademarks EUIPO ( 欧盟知识产权局)执行主任今天发布了第EX-20-4号决定,该决定将所有期限从2020年5月1日至2020年5月17日延长至2020年5月18日,以在COVID-19大流行期间进一步为用户提供支持和协助。 ...
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1 may 20201 Min. de lectura
EUIPO Extends Time Limits
The Executive Director of the EUIPO has today published Decision No EX-20-4, extending until 18 May 2020 all time limits expiring between 1
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30 mar 20201 Min. de lectura
Myanmar Opens Soft Launch Period For Trademark Applications
Myanmar is one of the few places in the world where the trademark system has yet to be introduced, but 2020 is set to see this change.
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29 ene 20202 Min. de lectura
Turkey to Adopt Plain Packaging on Cigarettes
Turkey is the latest European country to adopt plain packaging for cigarettes, following France, the UK, Norway, and Ireland. The aim of thi
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15 ene 20203 Min. de lectura
We Need to Talk About Harry and Meghan
#trademarks #sussexroyal Is this shameless click-bait? Of course it is. But it's also an important intellectual property matter worthy of...
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9 ene 20202 Min. de lectura
Cannabis Logo Not Registrable In The EU
The General Court of the European Union decided on 12 December 2019 that the logo reproduced above cannot be registered as trademark on the
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